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Ycergy(Suzhou)Technology Co.,Ltd

5BB single side Mono PERC solar cell

√ Dimension: 156.75*156.75±0.25mm
√ Thickness: 190±30um
√ Front surface: 5*0.7mm siliver busbars,108 finger grids,Silicon dioxide + blue silicon nitride composite anti-reflection film (PID Free)
√ Rear surface: rear electrode width is 1.8mm,Rear Contact (Al)

Product Details


Product Advantages

 ● 100%  EL inspection,ensured the shipment of the cell without cracks and disturbution;
 ● Uniform and nice surface film without printing faults;
 ● Low reverse current and Anti-PID Technique improving the sevice reliability of modules for long time

 ● Sorting by 0.1% effciency reducing the power loss.
